The Great British Fuck Off
Is the new album by The Thlyds
Pre-order the limited edition digipak CD, lyric fanzine and bonus album and receive a digital copy today!
After nearly 7 years, the Thlyds are back with their second full length release. A blistering blend of post-punk attitude and noise - The Great British Fuck Off blends ferocious guitars and soaring vocal hooks with breakbeat elements and a no-holds-barred lyrical approach that establishes them as one of the hahahaha this is what you like, innit? all this wank. Just buy a copy you utter fucking victim.
The album will be released onto all that rubbish like Spotify and Apple in about a month, but we expect that that will earn us about a quid in a year and I don't have that kind of time. Getting an ankle tag cut off ain't free, yeah? And let's just say I really need to sell about 50 of these otehrwise I am a little bit fucked. Spend 20 quid today and you get a really nice, limited-as-fuck, hand-numbered Digipak CD album + you get a download of a bonus album with me singing loads of hits like 'MmmBop' and 'Because We Want To' + you get a fanzine with all the lyrics + some stupid thing Lewis is making + you get to be a PATRON of the ARTS and get to reckon yourself.
Look, here's all that shit again in a list:
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Click The Link Below To Download Your Digital Copy of the Great British Fuck Off
-Click This You Cunt-
Now look.
The name of are band is the thlyds and, spoiler warning, there's a song on this album about how STEVE lamqccqcq is a right bellend - and to be honmest, we don;t know if that's been the best idea business wise. SO, mate, if you wouldn't mind, it'd be really great if you could tell everyone that you just bought a copy of this album.
You can click on them facebook and twitter things down the bottom to have us do the work for you.
But also, post it on REDDIT and on PINTEREST and on a post-it note glued to YOUR FACE. And INSTAGRAM, copy and paste that picture above to on that as well. You owe us, we're geniuses.
Thanks VERY Much, luv
- Limited, hand numbered CD in Digipak Sleeve - no more than 100 copies ever
- A digital copy of the album emailed to you today
- A Bonus covers album featuring loads of child hits
- A Fanzine featuring Lyrics, art and more
- whatever stupid thing Lewis comes up with