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We would like to be friends with you.


The best way to become friends with us in [current year] is to join our Discord server. We are always on there and you will gain privileged access to everything we are doing by joining a community of excellent people with whom you will have at least one thing in common. A major hurdle for artists on the current year's internet is 'discoverability' - social Media has factured, algorithms are prioritising ad revenue over user interest - On our Discord you will always see what we post if you choose to - it is the closest thing that [current year] has to the private forum system that web 2.0 replaced and we really think you should check it out. Install the app and use this invite code:


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if you want to contact us directly for press enquiries, random requests or anything else really - feel free to email us at - but seriously, join the Discord, we'll reply right away on there, it is best.